
Bird ID: 7234
Species: Finch/Canary
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Finch
Health Status: Injured, Recovering
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.

Hi! In February, 2022, Mickaboo rescued 170+ finches from an aviary. We`re from that flock, are all settled into foster care, and are ready to be adopted.

I have a left foot that is deformed and all my toes point to the side, so I can`t perch properly with that foot. I`m still very mobile though and I fly really well! I enjoy being in a flight cage and I appreciate having some flat perches in there to help me rest my feet from time to time.

I devour romaine lettuce!

I am available for adoption and as long as your housing for is at least 30" wide for flight space and has some nice flat perches in the arrangement so I can rest, I should do really well. Would you consider adopting me?